- Multidisciplinary approach: reconstruction and enhancement of relationships and interconnections among fields of knowledge
- Stimulating and dynamic study environment, also thanks to the several seminaries offered to students
- Advanced training-on-the-job in institutions, companies, and research laboratories
- Choice among three different curricula: History, Ethics and aesthetics, Philosophy and Psychoanalysis
The course of studies, based on the curriculum selected by students, ensures deep focus on philosophical disciplines in a historical perspective, oriented towards theoretical, ethical and aesthetic knowledge, or the intersection with psychoanalysis disciplines. In addition, students will have to deal with historical, political-social, and mathematical disciplines, dynamic psychology and languages.
Teaching approaches
- Lectures
- Interdisciplinary approach to various disciplines
- Workshops and seminars
Students participate in competition examination. Admission requirements can be found in the admission announcement (May/June).
After the publication of the final ranking, admitted students can enroll by paying the first fee instalment.
For the announcement of admission consult the section dedicated to master’s degrees.
Non-EU students can participate in a specific call (March / April), consult the section dedicated; Pre-registration on universitaly.it is required.

LM78 Philosophical Sciences

Course description
The program offers a solid historical and critical education in the field of philosophy and provides students with theoretical instruments to understand human societies in the expressions of their social and individual activities and in their interaction with the environment, as well as the ethical, cultural, religious, psychological and social factors that determine their evolution. Graduates will be able to transpose the knowledge acquired into the language of common sense through examples and analogies, to understand complex problems, thus favoring the communication between the different technical-specialist sectors.
Graduates, undergraduates or students with a qualification in one of the degree classes indicated in the admission notice, obtained abroad and recognized as suitable. Students will also take an entry test to assess their knowledge
Training graduates who will apply the acquired knowledge and philosophical and critical skills in various professional areas such as the publishing industry, human resources, the protection of culture and education (through the acquisition with a given number of credits and upon completion of a special qualification, as provided for by the Ministry of Education).
Career opportunities include management of human resources in public and private institutions; texts editors in the publishing industry; researchers and technical with a degree in historical and philosophical sciences; high school teachers (upon completion of a special qualification as provided for by the current legislation).

Fees, contributions and exemptions
Costs calculated based on family income (ISEE-University) and including:
- fee for the equal access to university studies (from 130€ to 160€);
- annual amount (from 0 (if ISEE-University <= € 22,000) to € 2,000);
Flat tax = €1,000 for international students (UE and non UE)
With a family income (ISEE-University < € 26,000) students are entitled to receive:
- Scholarship consisting of total exemption from taxes, cash share, canteen and accommodation service (for off-site students)
- Grants for international mobility
- Reduced rates for the use of sports facilities and cultural services d) Benefits for students completing their degrees within regulation time
Exclusively on grounds of merit, students can obtain:
- International mobility grants (Erasmus)
- Free accommodation and canteen services published in the call DUnicAL career program for student-athletes.
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Life on Campus
In the largest and best equipped campus in Italy students will experience the sense of a unique university community, sharing educational, recreational, sporting and cultural events with fellow colleagues and professors. The Campus is equipped with lecture rooms, a sports center, theaters, amphitheaters, cinemas, cafes, refreshment areas and other places for socialization, thus offering an extraordinary human and educational experience.
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Services to Students
Unical is organized as an independent town that provides the best possible solutions of accommodation for students and staff living on campus, because it offers multiple services for study activities and for individual and collective well-being: libraries, the Language Learning Center, counselling and inclusion services. The Campus also includes a health center, a post office, a bank counter and a mindfulness dedicated area.
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Residential Center
It complements and completes the services provided by the University of Calabria and has put into shape the idea of a British-American campus-style University. It encompasses 10 districts hosting the university residences, consisting of apartments with double and single rooms, living room, kitchen and toilets. In these districts there are common areas for study and recreational activities and sports, there are TV rooms, game rooms and gyms; launderettes and bike rental services are also available.
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If you want to know more about the Degree Course
For details on the contents of the individual courses, periods of training abroad, teachers, tutors, classrooms, laboratories, research centers, other structures and social initiatives visit the website of the Degree Course.
Go to the institutional website